Assessment of Allegation of Parental Alienation on Resist-Refuse Cases, Making Recommendations to Address These Issues and the Impact of the Narcissistic Parent on the Child
11 hours and 25 minutes
Terry Mattingly
Andrea Rosser-Pate, Esq.</strong
Training Description
Advanced Training for Guardians ad Litem and Social Investigators (Child Custody Evaluators)
This training is designed for professionals already serving family law cases in the role of GAL and/or Child Custody Evaluator (Social Investigator). Topics will include in-depth assessment of the resist-refuse dynamic and alienating behaviors, a comprehensive analysis of the best interest factors, determining parents’ aptitude as it relates to providing their children with emotional support, and more!
Continuing Education Credits (CEUs)
Attendees will receive 16 Continuing Education Credits (CEUs). Florida Attorneys will receive 12 CLEs.
The $535 includes a certificate of completion and we will add your information onto CE Broker for you to get your CEU credit.
Please Note: For attendees wishing to make payment via check, please make the check payable Conflict Solutions Group and mail it to the below address:
Conflict Solutions Group
Attn. Terry Mattingly
1681 North Maitland Avenue
Maitland, FL 32751